Glossary #
- Advertiser is the manufacturer or seller of products, or other person who determined the advertised object and (or) the ad content.
- Ad distributor is Internet Solutions LLC (hereinafter Ozon). Location: 10 Presnenskaya Embankment (41th floor, office I, room 6), Moscow 123112 OGRN code: 1027739244741.
- Advertising material is a banner, video banner, and other materials that qualify as advertising and are available for posting on
- Advertised object is a product, means of individualization of a legal entity and (or) product, manufacturer or seller of products, results of intellectual activity, or an event (including a promotion, sports competition, concert, contest, festival, risk-based games, betting), to attract attention to which the ad is aimed.
- Ad consumer is a person whose attention to the advertised object shall be drawn by the ad.
- Landing page or URL is the page to which the Advertising Material leads.
- Media advertising is advertising in the format of an image, picture, or video.
- Display conditions are the conditions under which the advertising material is visible, for example, search terms.
- Protected area is the boundaries within which significant elements of the advertisement shall be placed.
General Provisions #
This document establishes the general requirements for advertising on the website and in the Ozon mobile application.
Ozon has the right to modify this Policy without any special notice. In this connection, the Advertiser undertakes to regularly monitor changes to the Policy.
1. General Requirements to the Content of Advertising Materials #
1.1. The banner/video and the landing page shall comply with the requirements of the current legislation of the Russian Federation (RF) and the Policy of Ad Placement on Ozon.
1.2. The following shall not be the advertised object:
- products the production and (or) sale of which is prohibited by the legislation of the Russian Federation, including counterfeit products;
- nicotine-containing products and devices for their consumption, including hookahs, ashtrays, lighters;
- alcoholic beverages;
- Covid tests;
- narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances and their precursors; plants containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors and parts containing narcotic drugs or psychotropic substances or their precursors, as well as new potentially dangerous psychoactive substances;
- weapons, including hunting, civilian-legal, pneumatic, strikeball, airsoft, souvenir and decorative weapons, accessories thereto, replicas thereof; knives, except for kitchen knives, penknives, and clerical knives;
- intimate services;
- political advertising;
- religious advertising;
- fortune-telling, occult and magical services—witchcraft, magic, astrology;
- explosive substances and materials;
- products subject to state registration, in the absence of such registration;
- ads containing words in a foreign language without translation;
- ads prohibited for placement on in accordance with Ozon Policy;
- other ads prohibited by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
1.3. Ads shall be bona fide and accurate. In particular, ads shall not:
- contain incorrect comparisons of the advertised product with products in circulation, which are produced by other manufacturers or sold by other sellers;
- defame the honor, dignity or business reputation of a person, including a competitor;
- the text of the Advertising Material and on the landing page shall not contain adjectives in the superlative degree: “the best”, “the most convenient”, unless it is confirmed by appropriate research conducted by third parties.
1.4. An ad that contains information that does not correspond to reality shall be recognized as inaccurate, in particular:
- on the advantages of the advertised product over products in circulation that are produced by other manufacturers or sold by other sellers;
- on the assortment and delivery set of products, as well as the possibility of purchasing them at a certain place or within a certain period of time;
- on the product cost or price, payment procedure, discount amount, charge rate, and other conditions of purchase of the product.
1.5. Ads shall not:
- induce the commission of unlawful acts;
- form negative attitudes towards or condemn persons who do not use the advertised product.
1.6. Ads shall not use swear words; obscene or offensive images, comparisons, and expressions, including in relation to gender, race, nationality, profession, social category, age, language of a person and citizen, and official state symbols (flags, coats of arms, or anthems).
1.7. Ads that lack part of the essential information about the advertised product or the conditions of its purchase or use are not allowed, if they distort the meaning of the information and mislead consumers of the ad.
1.8. The text of the ad shall be in Russian.
1.9. In the ad of products and other Advertised Objects, the cost indicators shall be specified in rubles, and if necessary, may additionally be specified in foreign currency.
1.10. It is not allowed to use foreign words and phrases that may distort the meaning of the information. If foreign words are used in the ad, they shall be accompanied by a Russian translation.
1.11. Disclosure and further use of a citizen’s image in advertising materials (including their photographs, as well as video recordings in which they are featured) is allowed only with the consent of that citizen (Article 152.1 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation).
1.12. Ozon reserves the right to reject advertising materials without explanation.
2. Rules of Ad Placement on Ozon #
2.1. The advertised object shall be unambiguously clear from the content of the banner.
2.2. The content of the Advertising Material shall not be misleading and shall not contain false information about products, brands, prices, and discounts.
2.3. Advertising materials of political, tragic, religious, and esoteric content and other materials prohibited for placement in accordance with Ozon Policy shall not be accepted for placement on Ozon.
2.4. Information about the original contract with the final advertiser (if there is such a contract) must be provided at the same time with the Advertising Materials.
This list of topics is not final and may be supplemented at any time.
3. Image (Banner, Video Banner) Requirements #
3.1. It is unacceptable to use low quality images for banners and video banners.
3.2. The text on the banner or in the video, including warnings and age restrictions, shall be easy to read and not requiring the use of any means or additional actions to be understood. Text might be unreadable due to poor image quality, lack of contrast between font and background, or the use of too small a font.
3.3. All images, text, and title shall be placed inside the Protected Area. Disclaimers and warnings shall not extend beyond the Protected Area.
3.4. The use of transparent backgrounds is prohibited.
3.5. The banner or video shall not contain any user graphic interface elements that may mislead the Ad Consumer. For example, you shall not use:
- UI elements that are not actually on the website page or app;
- buttons that simulate video playback.
3.6. The text in the video banner shall be clear and contrasting and not blend into the background.
3.7. Advertising Materials shall not contain adult content.
If the advertised object is the product of the Adult Products category, it is necessary to strictly observe the relevance of the terms and conditions of displaying the landing page.
Advertising of products in the Adult Products category is permitted only on the respective category pages and product cards of that category.
The advertising material shall contain the 18+ tag.
3.8. Banners/videos shall not contain contact information: phone numbers, email addresses or links to websites other than Ozon and Ozon.Travel, except when the advertised object is a promotion or other incentive event, a link to the rules and conditions of which are on a third-party resource and are required to be added to the Advertising Material in accordance with the laws of the Russian Federation.
3.9. Banners/videos shall not contain an announcement/link to check registration in a third-party service or outside Ozon:
- Announcement of cashback outside of Ozon.
- Specifying any URLs in advertising materials (except for the case stipulated by clause 3.8. of these Requirements).
- Announcement of a discount on a product not on Ozon.
- The mechanics of getting rewarded for reviewing a product outside of Ozon.
- Call to send messages to a messaging app chat/email address.
- Call to provide personal data outside of Ozon.
- Call to post content with the product on social media and messaging apps.
4. Text Requirements #
4.1. The text shall be written in literate Russian without typos.
4.2. Swear words, slang expressions, words and phrases of provocative and tragic content, and unjustified repetition of words and phrases shall not be used.
4.3. The text shall be written entirely in Russian. Cost indicators shall be specified in rubles.
4.4. The texts of messages shall be written without abbreviations. Exceptions are common abbreviations and the ruble sign (₽).
4.5. If the Advertising Material mentions Ozon Card, a warning “Ozon Card is provided by OZON Bank LLC” shall be added. For more information on the service rules, go to
5. Link and Landing Page Requirements #
5.1. The landing page shall correspond to the banner or video and lead to the working webpage (except for the case provided in clause 3.8. of these Requirements).
5.2. The landing page shall contain the entire list of terms and conditions for participation in promotions, if the advertised object is a promotion or incentive event.
5.3. It is prohibited to use a link with a UTM tag of the following format utm_source=adv_system&utm_medium=banner&utm_campaign=12345. You can use other parameters, such as adv_campaign=12345.
5.4. The link shall not contain redirects (automatically redirect the user to another address). The exception is changing the protocol from HTTP to HTTPS.
6. Ads of specific categories of products are allowed under individual conditions #
Ads of spcific categories of goods products shall contain warnings in accordance with applicable law.
6.1. Products in the Baby Food category
Ads of products for children under one year of age, including breast milk substitutes, shall contain an age restriction and a warning about the need to consult a specialist.
Ads of baby food products shall not present them as full-fledged substitutes for breast milk and shall not contain a statement about the advantages of artificial feeding of children.
6.2. Products of the Pharmacy category: medicines, medical devices.
Ads of medicines and medical devices shall contain a warning about contraindications and the requirement to read the instructions for use or consult a specialist.
Example: “There are contraindications. Consult a specialist.”
Disclaimer requirements: at least 5% of the ad space.
To advertise the delivery of medicines, including using the expressions “Internet pharmacy”, “delivering today”, “order”, “delivery”, “order online”, provide an authorization issued by Roszdravnadzor.
Ads of medicinal products or medical devices shall contain information on properties and characteristics, including methods of application and use, only within the limits of indications contained in duly approved instructions for the application and use of such objects of advertisement.
Advertisements for drugs or medical devices shall not:
- address minors;
- contain references to specific cases of cure of diseases and improvement of human health as a result of using the advertised object;
- contain an expression of gratitude by individuals in connection with the use of the advertised object;
- create an idea of the advantages of the advertised object by referring to the fact of conducting research required for state registration of the advertised object;
- contain statements or assumptions about the presence of certain diseases or health disorders among ad consumers;
- contribute to creating an impression in a healthy person about the necessity of using the advertised object (except for drugs used for disease prevention);
- create the impression that it is unnecessary to see a doctor;
- guarantee the positive effect of the advertised object, its safety, effectiveness, and absence of side effects;
- present the advertised object as a biologically active supplement and food additive or other products that are not medicinal products (except for advertising of medical devices);
- contain statements that the safety and (or) effectiveness of the advertised object is guaranteed due to its natural origin (except for advertising of medical devices).
6.3. Veterinary drugs
Ads shall contain the disclaimer, “There are contraindications. Consult a specialist.”
Disclaimer requirements: at least 5% of the ad space.
6.4. Dietary supplements
Advertisements for dietary supplements shall contain the warning “Not a medicinal product”.
Disclaimer requirements: at least 10% of the ad space.
Dietary supplements and nutritional supplements ads shall not:
- create the impression that they are medicinal products and (or) have therapeutic properties;
- contain references to specific cases of people cured or improved conditions as a result of the use of such supplements;
- contain expressions of gratitude by individuals in connection with the use of such supplements;
- call to abandon healthy eating habits;
- create an impression of the benefits of such supplements by referring to the fact of conducting research required for state registration of such supplements, as well as use the results of other research in the form of a direct recommendation for the use of such supplements.
6.5. Lottery tickets
Ads of lottery tickets shall contain:
- an indication of the dates for prize drawings during the lottery process;
- a source of information about the organizer of the lottery, its rules, the prize fund, the number of prizes or winnings, the time, place and procedure for receiving the prizes or winnings.
Ads of lottery tickets shall not:
- address minors;
- give the impression that participation in a lottery is a way of earning or receiving other income or otherwise obtaining a means of livelihood;
- contain statements that exaggerate the probability of winning or minimize the degree of risk;
- contain proof of receipt of winnings by persons who were recognized as winners in accordance with the lottery terms and conditions, but who did not receive the winnings;
- contain statements that participation in the lottery is essential to achieving public recognition and professional, athletic, or personal success;
- condemn non-participation in the lottery;
- give the impression that winning is guaranteed.
6.6. Incentive activities
An ad announcing a contest, game, promotion, or other similar event, the condition for participation in which is the purchase of certain products, shall specify the following:
- the timing of such an event;
- a source of information about the organizer of such an event, the rules of the event, the amount of prizes or winnings based on the results of such event, as well as the time, place, and procedure for their receipt.
6.7. Information products
Ads of information products shall be accompanied by an indication of the age category of persons for whom it is intended (according to the legislation of the Russian Federation: “0+”, “6+”, “12+”, “16+”, “18+").
The advertiser shall guarantee the classification of information products and the indication of the age category in accordance with the results of such classification. The advertiser is responsible for correctly determining the age category of the information products advertised by them.
7. Technical requirements #
Banners #
General requirements for banners:
- for placement on the website — format JPG, JPEG, PNG, GIF (static), size not more than 150 KB;
- for the mobile version of the website or the app — JPG, JPEG, PNG format, size not more than 120 KB.
Requirements for each placement:
Location | Platform | Actual size | Protected area | Link to placement page | Example banner |
Home page | Website | 2832 × 600 pixels | 2100 × 570 pixels | |
![]() |
Home page | Mobile version of the website / App | 1080 × 450 pixels | 1020 × 405 pixels | |
![]() |
Level 1 categories (placement from media kit) | Website | 2832 × 600 pixels | 2100 × 570 pixels | For example, |
![]() |
Categories | Mobile version of the website / App | 1080 × 450 pixels | 1020 × 405 pixels | For example, |
![]() |
Add an “Ads” tag to the top right corner of each banner. Do not place text or important elements around the tag. The size of this area is 295 × 105 pixels.

Video banners #
Size | Aspect ratio | Resolution | Duration | Compression standard |
up to 50 MB. The smaller the file, the faster it will load | 16 x 9 | 960 x 540 to 1920 x 1080 pixels | up to 30 seconds. To get more customers to watch the video until the end, we recommend a maximum of 15 seconds | H.264 codec |
Promo banners #
Platform | Actual size | Protected area | Size | Format |
Website | 672 x 440 pixels | 486 x 390 pixels | 120 KB max | JPG, JPEG, PNG |
Mobile Website / App | 400 x 400 pixels | 350 x 350 pixels | No more than 100 KB | JPG, JPEG, PNG |
8. Requirements for Display Conditions #
8.1. The display conditions shall be consistent with the content of the promotional material. The categories selected for display shall be directly related to the advertised object or a related category to the advertised object. For example: smartphone ads are not accepted in the “Food” category.
Your advertising material will be subject to moderation. The average moderation time is 3 hours.