In accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation and the requirements of the copyright holders, Ozon sets specific rules for adding certain categories of brands and products. This means that you will be able to add products of these categories only after submitting the documents.
Products with mandatory quality documents #
Dietary supplements, except for ones with Russian certification.
Fireworks. Allowed if the hazard class is no higher than III, the products are stored in a special room in the seller’s warehouse and are delivered by third-party shipping services authorized to transport products of said hazard class. A Certificate of Conformity with appendix is required.
Details: TR CU 006/2011 Technical Regulation of the Customs Union “On the Safety of Pyrotechnic Products”.
Medical devices. In the Russian Federation it is allowed to sell only those medical devices that have passed state registration and have a registration certificate.
Products prohibited for sale #
On Ozon you may not place products the remote sale of which is prohibited or restricted by the legislation of the Russian Federation, as well as products, whose storage and/or delivery require a special permit and/or license, and/or compliance with special conditions for the delivery and storage of such products, including:
- Alcoholic beverages.
- Precious and rare-earth metals.
- Weapons, ammunition, explosives and explosive products, means of detonation, cartridges, gunpowder.
- Radioactive materials, X-ray equipment, and devices working with the use of radioactive substances and isotopes.
- Erotic and pornographic products.
- Encryption devices.
- Poisons, narcotic drugs and psychotropic substances, their precursors.
- Human remains and ashes.
- Infectious substances:
- biological materials;
- injection solutions;
- immunobiologicals.
- Products made from toxic materials.
- Ethyl alcohol and other alcohol-containing products.
- Special and other technical means designed to obtain information covertly, including:
- children’s toys with hidden video cameras embedded in their eyes;
- video cameras disguised as other objects or intended for concealed installation;
- voice recorders disguised as other objects;
- hidden GPS trackers;
- lock picks.
- All types of weapons including edged weapons:
- daggers;
- combat, national, hunting knives;
- bayonet knives;
- sabers, checkers, swords and suchlike;
- other weapons of cutting, stabbing, chopping or mixed action (bayonets, spears, battle axes and suchlike);
- impact-crushing weapons (brass knuckles, nunchucks, flails, and suchlike).
- Products that are cultural heritage objects.
- Pesticides and agrochemicals.
- Products, obtained as a result of poaching activities.
- Tobacco products.
- Jewelry.
- Medications,vitamins, and dietary supplements (with the exception of dietary supplements with Russian certification).
- Hookahs, bongs.
- Devices for the consumption of nicotine-containing products, electronic cigarettes, tobacco heating systems and its accessories:
- solutions;
- liquids;
- mixtures or gels;
- nicotine-free liquids.
- COVID-19 tests.
- Veterinary drugs.
- Pet vitamins.
- Live plants, plant seeds (including roots, bulbs, tubers of plants).
- Seat belt adapters, including:
- seat belt strap adjuster;
- seat belt strap adapter;
- guide strap;
- seat belt trim;
- seat belt triangle;
- seat belt plugs.
- Frameless child seats.
- Road signs.
- Gemstones.
- Banknotes of the Russian Federation and foreign currency, traveler’s receipts, securities, gold and silver bars, currency, excise stamps.
- Identification documents.
- Food except groceries, confectionery and beverages with a storage temperature range from 17°C to 24°C.
- Perishable food.
- “Airsoft and pneumatics” category products: products with muzzle energy over 3 J.
- Live animals and insects.
- Stun guns.
- Pepper spray canisters for self-defense, as well as any mechanical atomizers, aerosols, or other devices loaded with tear or irritant substances.
- Mercury thermometers.
- Dietary supplements containing plants and their products containing psychotropic, narcotic, potent, or poisonous substances.
- Food for internal use made from cannabis or obtained as a result of processing cannabis, regardless of the presence of tetrahydrocannabinol in the composition.
- Poppers and smelling salts.
- Used products.
- Pyrotechnic products of IV and V hazard classes.
- Disposable electronic cigarettes and vaping liquids, including non-nickel ones.
- Net fishing gear.
- Electrofishing systems and devices for catching by means of electric current.
- Traps and automatic traps.
- Collars for correcting the behavior of animals with electrical, ultrasonic, or sound effects.
- Products whose appearance (including images placed on them) or content include:
- narcotic drugs, psychotropic substances, and their precursors;
- propaganda of cruelty to animals;
- propaganda or public demonstration of Nazi paraphernalia, symbols, or paraphernalia and symbols that are confusingly similar to Nazi paraphernalia or symbols, or paraphernalia or symbols of extremist organizations, or other paraphernalia or symbols, the propaganda or public display of which is prohibited by federal laws (except cases where such paraphernalia or symbols are used to form a negative attitude towards the ideology of Nazism and extremism and exclude signs of propaganda or justification of Nazi and extremist ideology);
- promotion of non-traditional sexual relations, sex change, pedophilia.
- Products intended for free distribution marked “Not for sale”, including surprise boxes with a random set of attachments.
- Food products containing fly agaricides in their contents.
- Food products containing ashwagandha, tribulus creeping, kava-kava (intoxicating pepper); as well as other plants and their processed products containing psychotropic, narcotic, potent or poisonous substances.
- Products intended for burial ritual:
- coffins;
- textile sets and clothing items;
- accessories for burial.
- Any digital products, such as: subscriptions to gaming platforms, e-books and access codes for various services, including on any kind of physical media.
- Signal jammers: GPS, Glonass, and Platon.
- Special means of traumatic and restraining action.
- Universal keys for intercoms that can be used without unique customization (“access keys”).
- Duplicates of state vehicle registration plates.
- Dangerous products.
- Refilled acid and alkaline batteries for vehicles.
- Mockups and dummy hand grenades, mines, and projectiles.
- Empty lighters, flintlocks, electronic USB lighters, fuel briquettes, and ignition rolls.
Jewelry #
Jewelry includes:
Items made of precious metals or their alloys, but not below the minimum fineness.
Precious metals are gold, silver, platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, ruthenium, osmium. Russian legislation establishes the following hallmarks:
- for gold: 333, 375, 500, 585, 750, 875, 916, 958, 999;
- for silver: 800, 830, 875, 925, 960, 999;
- for platinum: 585, 850, 900, 950;
- for palladium: 500, 850.
Items with gemstones inserts: diamond, emerald, ruby, sapphire, alexandrite, or pearl.
Learn more:
- Federal Law No. 41-FZ of March 26, 1998 on Precious Metals and Precious Stones;
- Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of 06.05.2016 No. 394 “On testing, analysis, and branding of jewelry and other products made of precious metals”.
Dangerous products #
Dangerous products are:
- dangerous goods (products) that by their properties belong to:
- explosives and pyrotechnic products of I, II, III classes, including but not limited to: cartridges; signal rockets; saluting batteries; sparklers; firecrackers; mortars; rockets; Roman candles; pyrotechnic candles and cake fountains; fireworks; colored smoke; festival balls; airsoft pyrotechnics, including grenades, mines, smoke grenades, shots and charges, etc.;
- flammable and non-flammable gases in a compressed, liquefied, dissolved under pressure state, including but not limited to: lighters; fire extinguishers for home, industrial and automotive use; cylinders with gas, helium, freon, refrigerant, MAPP gases for welding or soldering; containers for portable gas appliances containing propane, butane, isobutane, etc.;
- flammable liquids, including but not limited to: lighter fluids; liquid paraffins; gasoline; kerosene; fuel for lighters, fireplaces, candles, lamps, lanterns, torches, sadjes, marmites, fondues, etc.; solvents such as white spirit, xylene, toluene, solvent, turpentine, etc.; absolute isopropyl alcohol; technical acetone; alcohol-containing antiseptics;
- flammable solid substances and materials, including but not limited to: matches; dry fuel; coal of animal or vegetable origin used as firelighters;
- chemically active oxidants and organic peroxides which contribute to ignition of combustibles, including but not limited to: hydrogen peroxide solutions (hydrogen peroxide, perhydrol) in concentrations of 7% and higher;
- toxic substances which cause acute poisoning by inhalation, swallowing, ingestion, or skin contact;
- caustic, corrosive substances posing a risk of chemical burns, including but not limited to: acids and alkalis;
- potentially dangerous products, which, regardless of the integrity and tightness of the packaging, may pose a danger to Ozon employees or other people, as well as contaminate, spoil or damage, damage by living organisms and/or other pests, or put in the risk of loss of consumer properties products that are close to them and other property.
Brands with limited access #
Some brands require an official right to sell them. Without it, the brand’s products will be hidden from customers. To sell products of such brands, upload documents confirming your right to sell them.
Make sure to fill in the Brand field when creating the product card. Otherwise, the list of brands with mandatory verification won’t be visible in your personal account, and products without documents will be temporarily hidden. If you don’t have such products, the list will remain empty.
The documents should be submitted within 3 working days. After checking the documents, Ozon will decide whether to block or unblock your product.
Learn more about brand documents and uploading them