User Management

You can give access to your personal account to other employees of your company. To do this, you need to create an account and assign an employee a role that determines the available sections of the personal account. The available roles are:

Manager Administrator Product Manager Financial Manager Promotion Manager Warehouse manager
Products ✔*
Prices ✔*
Analytics ✔** ✔** ✔**
Messages from Ozon
Settings: employees, document flow, warehouse

* The employee won’t be able to edit the content of the section.

** The employee has limited access to a part of the functionality.

Create an account for an employee #

  1. In the personal account of a company director or an employee with the “Administrator” role, click in the upper right corner → SettingsEmployees.

  2. Click Invite an employee.

  3. Specify the employee’s email and their access rights and click Invite.

    Don’t use an email address that ends with *.co or *.su. We won’t be able to register it in the system.

  4. You’ll get an invitation email with a link to activate your account to the specified email address.

    The account activation link is valid for 24 hours.

    If everything is done correctly, you’ll see the “Active” tag under the user’s role in the Status column.

Invitations #

Invitation statuses #

On the List of employees tab:

  • “Active”: the user has access to the personal account;
  • “Not activated”: the user hasn’t clicked the link in the invitation email.

On the Invitation history tab:

  • “Sent”: an invitation has been sent to the user;
  • “Accepted”: the user has clicked the link in the email and gained access to their personal account;
  • “Revoked”: the invitation was canceled before user responded to it.

Invitation history #

To view the invitation history, go to Settings → EmployeesInvitation history section.

You can:

  • revoke invitations that aren’t yet accepted: in the user row, click Revoke invitation and confirm action;

  • find an invitation by email address: enter the address in the Search by Email field;

  • filter invitations by status: click Status and select the necessary one;

  • filter invitations by an employee’s role: click Role and select the necessary one;

  • send an invitation.

Delete an employee account #

  • If you delete an employee with management rights, first make sure that they transfer their rights to another employee.
  • Log into your personal account under the manager or administrator account.
  1. Go to the Settings → Employees section and find the necessary employee.

  2. In the employee row, click Delete userConfirm.

Change employee’s role #

  1. Go to the Settings → Employees section.

  2. Click Change role and select a new role for the employee.

Transfer the manager’s rights to another user #

To transfer rights to another user, go to the SettingsEmployees section. Find the necessary employee and click Change roleManager.

Only the current manager can assign the manager role to a new employee.

Restore access #

To restore access to the manager’s account, go to the SettingsAccount section and contact support. How to make a request:

  • Specify:
    • new email address;
    • your company’s legal form.
  • Attach documents:
    • a copy or photo of your passport or power of attorney;
    • your photo with a passport open on 2–3 pages.

We’ll check the information and if everything’s correct, restore access to your personal account.

To restore access to your personal account for any other role, create a new account with a different email address, and delete the old account.

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