This report shows:
- whether your stock in Ozon warehouses is sufficient to cover customer demand,
- which products to stock so you don’t lose sales.
Keep track of the key metrics:
- Lost sales is the amount of sales you lost due to out-of-stock product.
- Product availability shows the general situation with your products at Ozon warehouses. This metric is higher if your products are regularly in stock. The higher it is, the less sales you you lose.
- Until the end of the stock shows how many days' worth of stock you have left at your sales pace. Available for each product.
View the lost sales #
On the widget on the main page, you can see:
the total of missed sales for all products in 28 days;
the number of products to be restocked.

In the FBP → Product availability section, you can view the availability metric, the amount of lost sales and the metrics trend against the previous day.
To view a graph of product availability changes, click View on the graph. If the availability value decreases, restock the products.

Example of calculating the total availability metric #
We view how many days out of the last 28 each product has been in stock and calculate its availability.
For example, you have three products in your store:
- The first product was in stock for 14 days out of 28, so it was available to purchase 14 ÷ 28 × 100% = 50% of the time. The availability of this product equals 50%.
- The second product was in stock for 10 days out of 28, so it was available to purchase 10 ÷ 28 × 100% = 35% of the time. Its availability equals 35%.
- The third product was in stock for 7 days out of 28, so it was available to purchase 7 ÷ 28 × 100% = 25% of the time. Its availability equals 25%.
We check your average daily sales in the currency of sale: both the amount for each product and the total amount. After that we calculate the total amount of sales for 28 days and divide by the number of days when the product was in stock.
For example:
- For the first product, all customers paid a total of 14,000 yuan, and it was available for sale for 14 days out of 28. The amount of average daily sales is calculated using the formula: 14,000 ÷ 14 = 1,000 yuan.
- For the second product, all customers paid a total of 4,000 yuan, it was available for sale for 10 days out of 28. The amount of average daily sales is calculated using the formula: 4000 ÷ 10 = 400 yuan.
- For the third product, all customers paid a total of, it was available for sale for 7 days out of 28. The amount of average daily sales is calculated using the formula: 700 ÷ 7 = 100 yuan.
Total average daily sales for all products equals 1,500 yuan.
We calculate the share of average daily sales of each product to estimate which of them could bring you more sales than the others if they were in stock for all 28 days. This product will have the most impact on the overall metric.
For example, if your product is inexpensive and is selling poorly, it won’t have as much of an impact on lost sales. But if a product is bought frequently and its price is higher, the lack of such a product in stock strongly affects the total availability metric and lost sales.
Then we divide the amount of average daily sales for each product by the total amount of all sales and get:
- the share for the first product is 0.67;
- the share for the second product is 0.27;
- the share for the third product is 0.6.
We summarize the data for each product into a total. To do this,we multiply the availability of each individual product by its share and sum up:
Total availability = (Product availability 1 × Product share 1) + (Product availability 2 × Product share 2) + (Product availability 3 × Product share 3).
Total availability:
(0,67 × 50) + (0,27 × 35) + (0,6 × 25) = 33,5 + 9,45 + 15 = 57%.
Products with supplies that can significantly improve the metric are listed in the top rows of the table. The less a product has in stock and the more sales the product has, the higher it is in the table.
“Product availability” section metrics #
In the table at the bottom of the Product availability section, you can view the data for all products that have had at least one sale in the last 28 days. At the top of the list, you can view the products that need to be stocked first.
Data for each product over the last 28 days:
Availability is percentage of the time when the product was in stock.
Average daily sales is the number of days when the product was in stock. The average daily sales are calculated based on the price paid by the customer in the sales currency.
Lost sales is the amount of sales you lost due to out-of-stock items. Average daily sales are multiplied by the number of days the product was out of stock at the warehouses in the sales currency.
Recommendation shows how many days will the remaining product last:
- Supply urgently means that there is enough products in stock for less than 10 days;
- Supply soon means that there is enough products in stock for 10-30 days;
- Enough for now means that you can supply the product as usual to maintain availability. There’s enough stock for more than 30 days.
Recommended supply shows how many product items you need to supply in order to have enough stock for 30 days. To calculate this metric, we multiply the average daily sales by 30 and subtract the products that are in stock.
Until the end of the stock shows how many days the stocks will last, taking into account the average daily sales.
Stock shows how many products in stock are currently available for sale.
The values in the table are updated every night based on data over the previous 28 days. The stocks are calculated at the end of the previous day.

Reduce lost sales and avoid losing profits #
To ensure you don’t have lost sales and product availability reaches 100%, supply the products regularly. The Recommended supply column shows the quantity of the product that needs to be supplied.
Check if there’re products marked Supply urgently and Supply soon. If you don’t restock them, you’ll lose sales and your availability metric will decrease.
Schedule the supply using one of the following methods:
- Click Make supply. You will create a draft of the request with all products that have labels Supply urgently and Supply soon. Make changes if necessary.
- Click Download and edit the downloaded XLSX file.
In the FBP → Create a purchase order section, select a warehouse and download the delivery request template.
In the XLSX file with data on all products, copy the values from the “Article”, “Product Name” and “Quantity” columns into the supply request. Don’t change the column names in the template. Click Upload XLS and upload the supply request.
Edit the request and click Create request.
Learn more about working with supply requests
Schedule the products supply in advance even if the products have enough stocks. The amount of time it takes to deliver products to the warehouse depends on the route, location of the warehouse, and the selected delivery method.