Settlement Currency

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Earlier, conversion happened at the moment of transferring the payment to the seller’s bank account. From August 1, 2022, conversion will happen at the exchange rate for the moment of customer’s order placement. These changes can help sellers decrease their dependency on the exchange rate of the Russian Ruble and make it easier to forecast their earnings on the platform.

Sellers can choose mutual settlement currency when going through the registration process. Changing it from an existing account won’t be possible further on.

Upload products in the settlement currency reflected in your contract.

After the registration process is complete, the currency is reflected in the Contract and seller’s personal account in the Settings → Details and contracts → Agreements section.

The list of currencies available for your country is as follows:

  • Belarus: BYN/RUB;
  • Kazakhstan: KZT/RUB;
  • Kyrgyzstan: KGS;
  • Armenia: RUB;
  • China: CNY;
  • Turkey: USD/RUB;
  • Europe — EUR / RUB;
  • Other countries: USD/RUB.

If you already have a certain currency chosen and want to receive payments in a different currency, you need to create a new account. After it, you can choose a new necessary option.

After you have created a new account, you can deactivate the previous one or keep it for further use if it’s more convenient for you to receive payments in multiple currencies at once. In this case, you might need to copy your products from one account to another. You can use our guidelines to do that.

Payment exchange rate #

We convert all payments using the Ozon conversion rate, value based on the exchange rate set by the Central Bank of the Russian Federation on the date of order creation by the customer.

China #

Starting from August 1, 2022
Available payment currency CNY/RUB
Available product price currency RUB
Applied exchange rate Conversion rate for order placement date
May I change payment currency from CNY to Rubles? No (only for new accounts)
May I change payment currency from Rubles to CNY? Yes (via tech support)
From January 1, 2024 all USD payments are converted to CNY based on the cross rate set by the Central Bank of Russia on the date of bank order execution.

Turkey #

Starting from August 1, 2022
Available payment currency USD/RUB
Available product price currency RUB
Applied exchange rate Conversion rate for order placement date
May I change payment currency from USD to Rubles? No (only for new accounts)
May I change payment currency from Rubles to USD? Yes (via tech support)

Other countries #

Starting from August 1, 2022
Payment currency EUR/USD/RUB
Product price currency RUB
Exchange rate Conversion rate for order placement date
May I change payment currency from EUR to USD? No (only for new accounts)
May I change payment currency from EUR to Rubles? No (only for new accounts)
May I change payment currency from Rubles to USD or EUR? Yes (via tech support)
How to deactivate an old account

If you’ve changed your settlement currency and want to use only the new account, you’ll need to deactivate the old one. To do this:

  1. Update your stocks. The total number of products available in the Logistics → Logistics management section should be equal to 0.

  2. Make sure you’ll deliver all orders already placed by customers.

    Removing all product cards before all products have been delivered to customers will lead to errors in the customs clearance process.

  3. Copy all product cards to your new account.

  4. Create a tech support request choosing Setting up a personal account → Seller’s account: registering, activating, setting up, deleting an account and tell us that you want to delete your old account.

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